
All Conditions

(soak leaves in water & use to bathe)
Abscess Acid reflux Acne
Acne & skin problems Also good for respiratory (Mij) Amoeba
Amoebic dystenery Anaemia Anti
Aphrodisiac Aphrodisiac for men Aphrodisiac/ impotence
Apply the gel on the wound Arthritis Arthritis pain relief
Arthritis/ Joint pain Arthritis/ Joints Arthritis/ joints/ muscle pains
Athletes foot Athma Backache
Bad breath Baldness/ Hair loss Bedwetting/ loose bladder
Belching & flatulance Bilharzia Blackheads
Bleeding gums Bleeding wounds Bleeding/ sore gums
Blocked fallopian tube Blood cleanser Blood pressure
Body swelling Boil Boil and drink bark to help with digesting meat
Boil and drink leaves to help expel afterbirth Boil and drink to boost libido Boil and take 2 glasses a day for joint pains, arthritis and muscle pains
Boil it in water and bathe in it to gain strength when you want to do heavy duties. Boil plant and steam child with it to treat rashes and measles in kids. Boil root and bark to drink for painful uterine contractions that can lead to abortion
Boil roots & drink to treat heart problems Boil roots & drink to treat period pains Boil the bark or roots and take 2 glasses a day for 3 days to treat stiff muscles
Boil the roots and take 2 glasses a day for 5 days for muscle pains and arthritis Boil the roots and take 2 glasses a day for arthritis, joints and muscle pains Boil the roots and take 3 glass a day until the joint pain goes away For muscle problems, take the leaves as vegetables
Boils Boils boil & drink/ steam Boils, burns,herpes zoster, ringworm, warts, wounds, skin problems (rashes/ pimples, acne, sunburn)Anti
Bois Boost lactation Boosts libido
Boosts male libido Breath freshener Broken limbs
Bronchitis Bruises Burns
Burns, Nairobi eye Burns, skin problems, wounds Burns/ abscess
Burns/ wounds Cancer Cancerous wounds & bed sores
Cervical cancer Chest congestion Chest pain
Chest problems Chickenpox Child birth
Childbirth Cholera Circumcision wounds
Cleans the uterus Cleans uterus & fallopian tubes Cleansing womb after delivery
Clotted menstrual flow Cold & blocked nose Cold allergies
Colds & Flu Colds & fly Colic
Colon problems Combine Irioko & Iribeno to treat skin diseases Constipation
Convulsions Cook the leaves and take as vegetables for joint problems Cough
Coughs Coughs & sore throat Cracked feet/skin/lips
Cracked heals Cramps Cuts
Decaying teeth Deep cut wounds (fruit) Detox
Detox the body Detox the system Detox/ colon cleanser
Detoxification Deworming Diabetes
Diarrhoea Diarrhoea & dysentery Digestion
Digestive aid Dried leaves infused in water Dry & crush leaves. Soak in alcohol for 12 hours. Drink 2x / day to treat alcoholism
Dry and boil roots to treat arthritis Dry/ damaged hair Dysentery
Dystentery Ear ache Ear aches
Ear infection Eases labour pain Eases labour pain & helps delivery
Edema Endemetriosis Endometriosis, weak uterus, bacterial infection in the uterus, menstrual clots
Enlarged prostate Epilepsy Excess gas & diarrhoea in infants
Excessive bile Excessive menstrual bleeding Eye cataracts
Eye infection Eye problems Eye sores
Fatigue Fever Fever, insomnia
Fibriods Food poisoning/ diarrhoea Food posoning
Fractured bones Fresh wounds Fungal infection
Fungal infections Gastritis Gastrointestinal problems
General stomach ache Genital thrush Genital warts
Gonorrhoea Good for breastfeeding babies Gout
HIV Haemorrhoids Hair loss
Hastens childbirth Head wounds and dandruff Headache
Headaches Heartburn Heavy menstrual flow, irregular periods
Hepatic disease/ jaundice Hernia Hernia boiled roots
Herpes Zoster Herpes simplex Herpes simplex, menopause
Hiccups High blood pressure High blood pressure (leaf tea)
High blood pressure (seeds) High blood pressure boil roots & drink High uric acid
Hookworm Hunchbacks Immune booster
Immune boosting Improves digestion Indgiestion
Indigestion Indigestions Induces instant diarrhoea
Infected burns Infertility Infertility in women
Inflammation Insect bites Insomnia
Internal swelling Intestinal bleeding Intestinal detox/ allergies
Intestinal worms Itches Itching
Itchy Skin Jaundice Jiggers
Joint lubricant Joint pain Joint pains
Kidney stones Lack of appetite Laxative
Live problems Liver disease Liver problems
Loose bladder Loss of appetite Low blood pressure
Low sex drive in men Low sperm count Malaria
Malaria (seeds) Malaria prevention Male aphrodisiac
Mastitis Mature plants are dried & crushed to treat candidasis Measles
Menopause Menstrual Menstrual cramps
Menstrual pain Menstrual problems Menstrual problems/ cramps
Menstural cramps Migraine Migraines
Mosquito repellant Mouth gargle Mouth sores
Mouth ulcers Mumps Muscle ache
Muscle pain Nairobi eye Natural antibiotic
Nausea Nausea in pregnancy Nausea/ vomiting
Nausea/vomiting Night blindness Night sweats
Nose bleed Nosebleed Numbness
Nutrition Oedema Ointment
Oral thrush Oral thrush/ mouth ulcers Other teeth problems
Ovarian cysts Painful menstrual cramps Painful menstruation
Painkiller Paralysis Periods with clots
Placental removal Plastic teeth Pneumonia
Pneumonia, rheumatism, Poor vision Post
Potassium in ORS Prostate cancer Prostatis
Pubic lice Pulled muscles Rabies
Rashes Rashes called "Bangula" Regulating menstruation
Rehumatism Rehydration Removes retained placenta
Respiratory problems Retained placenta Rheumatism
Ringworm Roots Roots are burned to ash and combined to treat asthma (Omokorokoitwo, Ekenagwa, Ekerobwo & Omwokabo)
Roots are used for joint pains and arthritis. Boil and drink twice a day before meals (for species) Roundworm Runny nose
Runny/ stuff nose Runny/ stuffy nose STDs
STIs STIs/ Venereal disease Scabies
Sceptic wounds Sciatic nerves Sensitive teeth
Severe back ache Severe backache Sinus
Sinusitis Skin conditions Skin conditions/ rashes
Skin disease Skin eruptions Skin infection
Skin problems Skin problems (rashes/ wounds) Skin rash
Skin rashes Skin softener Snake bite
Snake bites Snake bites/ insect bites Softens the skin
Sore eyes Sore gums Sore throat
Sores Sprain & stiff necks Sprains
Stiff joints Stimulates menstruation Stings
Stitches in children Stomach ache Stomach ailments
Stomach cramps Stomach disorders Stomach problems
Stomach upset, thrush Stomachache Stops bleeding
Stress management Stretch marks Stroke
Stroke/ paralysis Swelling Swollen joints
Swollen lymph Swollen scrotum Swollen testicles
Syphilis Syphilis (Combine with Olchani onyokie (Myrsine africana?)) TB
Tape worm Tapeworm Teeth problems
Teething Testicular swelling Throat ailments
Thrush Thrush (candidiasis) Thrush/ candidiasis
Tongue ulcers in kids Tonsilitis Tooth brush
Toothache Toothache: Toothbrush
Toothpaste Treat paralysis Treats back & joint pains
Treats bruises, burns/ scalds,Acne Treats chronic wounds, pimples, ringworms, athletes foot Treats runny nose in measles patients
Tumors Typhoid UTI
Ulcers Unblocks stuff chests Urethral leak
Urine blockage Use leaves, flowers & bark to treat retained placenta Use leaves, flowers & bark to treat skin conditions
Used as a shaving cream Used as adewormer when mixed Iseketek. Used to stop bleeding in fresh wounds. Crush the leaves and apply on the wound
Used to treat madness. Boil bark & use to wash patient's head for 3 days Vaginal infection Vaginal wash
Venereal diseases Vitiligo Vomiting
Warts Wound Wound dressing
Wounds Wounds (fresh/ infected) appetizer
asthma body weakness boil leaves and use for steam inhalation
boosts milk production boosts milk production in women cleanses uterus of blood after delivery
ear infection, nose bleed, oral thrush, Good for mouth sores. Apply the yellow sap on the wound. eases delivery eczema
eye infection, ear infection, fibroids gastro
haemorrhoids, indigestion, Constipation ulcers Used as a laxative Indigestion herpes zoster, pubic lice, ringworm, scabies warts hormonal imabalance
impotence induce vomiting & diarrhoea meat allergies
memory loss mix with jelly to massage to turn the baby opens cervix in labour
or make juice and drink reduces cholesterol regulates menses
respiratory tract infections skin stomach ulcers
treats typhoid and amoeba unblocks fallopian tubes while still warm, use it to massage on the affected joints or muscles and other inflamed areas