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Plant Details and use
Uses in different communities
The Luo community uses it to relieve constipation (Ich mokorore).
They mix the leaves with other vegetables like amaranth (Omboga/mboga/Ododo), the Amaranthus spinosus and cook them as part of a meal., then eaten as vegetables for 2-3 days.
The Kikuyu community uses it to treat arthritis (Murimo wa Mahidi). The whole plant is mixed with blackjack (Mucege) Bidens pilosa and pigweed (Mung’ei) (Galinsoga purviflora) then cooked as vegetable without frying, it is eaten as vegetable and the juice drunk after meals
In the Kamba community, it is used for eye/Ear aches. The slimy mucus-like substance from the unopen flower is squeezed in the ear every evening while going to bed for 3 days.
The Pokomo community also uses it for medicinal purposes. They use it for eye infections. They crush some leaves, mix them with water and use them to wash your face to treat eye problems. They squeeze their flower juice on the ailing eye.
The Rabai community uses it to treat asthma disease which is common in cold seasons. Asthma patients are used as indicators of weather change. Its leaves are chewed and swallowed. It is also used to treat eye problems. It is crushed and mixed with water and the mixture is used to wash eyes. They claim the herb can also treat heart diseases, high blood pressure, ulcers, menstrual problems, and miscarriages. They also claim it boosts libido. The herb can be mixed with vegetables when cooking
In the Maasai community, the plant is used in blessing ceremonies because of its resistance to drought and the ability to grow and multiply very fast.