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Plant Details and use
Among the Kisii, the tree was considered sacred and was used when taking oats. They also used to pray under the tree. It is the same tree that is used to make Obokano- a traditional musical instrument.
Among the Luhya, the tree signifies peace. They planted it at the entrance of a homestead. They also believed that the tree treats mumps.
It has been used by many communities to predict rain due to its seasonal flowering and shedding of leaves.
It has been used for the management of STIs like syphilis. 1 tsp of the root or bark powder is boiled in 1lt of water for 10 mins. It is drunk at intervals continuously for 21 days
For intestinal worms, the bark is used. A handful of the bark is boiled in 3 liters of water. ½ a glass is drunk 3 times a day for 14 days. The plant is also good for snake bites and infertility.
To manage arthritis, barks are dried and crushed to powder. The powder is mixed with water to form a paste and applied directly to the swelling, at least 3 times a day. Alternatively, a handful of fresh roots is pounded, then steeped in a liter of boiling water for 10 mins. The warm decoction is applied directly to the afflicted areas.