Eucalyptus globulus
English: Tasmania blue gum, Kiswahili: Miti ya mbao, Kauma: Mgamu, Kikuyu: Mubau, Kisii: Omorigamu, Kuria: Omotegobraraiuia, Luhya: Isimbekho, Luo: Bao/ Bap kaladali/ Yiend bao, Nubi: Ablayo,
Family: Myrtaceae
1 handful of fresh leaves is boiled in 2 liters of water for 5 minutes and drunk hot in portions during the day for Malaria.
For genital thrush, a handful of leaves is boiled in a covered pan containing 1 liter of water. The solution is left to cool to Luke-warm and used to wash the affected areas with a soft cloth.
It has also been used for respiratory conditions like coughs, colds, and flu. The leaves are boiled and used to steam. The rest is drunk.
For genital thrush, a handful of leaves is boiled in a covered pan containing 1 liter of water. The solution is left to cool to Luke-warm and used to wash the affected areas with a soft cloth.
It has also been used for respiratory conditions like coughs, colds, and flu. The leaves are boiled and used to steam. The rest is drunk.
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