
Lantana camara

English: Curse of India/ Tick Berry/ Lantana, Kiswahili: Mshomoro, Giriama: Mushomoro, Kamba: Kitavisi/ Mukitii, Kikuyu: Mukigi / carolina, Luo: Nyamrithi/ Obengle/ nyabende/ Atek/Onyalo biro/ Tek tagwari/Magwagwa, Rabai: Mshomoro, Luhya: Ilandana, Duruma: Mshomoro,

Family: Verbenaceae

Among the Rabai, it is used to treat measles, ringworms, STIs.
The Duruma community uses it to treat rashes, a condition known as Bangula. Crush, mix with water, and bathe with it. 

Lantana camara
Lantana camara

Colds & Flu

Skin conditions/ rashes


Herpes Zoster

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