Melia azederach
English: Persian Lilac/ Chinaberry, Kiswahili: Mwarubaini nusu, Luo: Dwele,
Family: Meliaceae
The plant is used to relieve itching caused by chicken pox and measles and to boost immunity. A handful of fresh leaves are crushed and soaked in 3 liters of warm water for 3 hours. It is divided into portions, one portion is used to bathe the patient, and the other portion is given to drink. It is drunk as follows: Children 6-10 yrs., are given ΒΌ glass thrice daily for 7 days. Children from 2-6 yrs. receive 3 tbsp thrice daily and children up to 2 yrs. receive 1 tbsp thrice daily. The blisters should clear in 2-3 days.
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