
Ocimum gratissimum (suave)

English: Common basil/ Sweet basil/ African basil, Kiswahili: Kurimbasi, Giriama: Vambamangu, Kamba: Mukandu, Kikuyu: Mugio, Kisii: Ekebunga baiseke, Luhya: Omuonyo, Luo: Bwar/ Olururuecha, Maasai: Ole-moran, Suba: Okinga,

Family: Lamiaceae

A few leaves are chewed for 5 mins and spit out to manage teeth problems like gingivitis and periodontal disease. It is an effective pain reliever. 
 It is also used for Low blood pressure & Milk production in women. A handful of the leaves and flowers are boiled together in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes and left to cool. 1 glass is drunk twice a day after meals.
For Belching &. flatulence, Chew the fresh leaves and swallow the juice. You can spit out the leaves after.
Oil can also be extracted and used for skin infections or inhaled for respiratory conditions.

Ocimum gratissimum (suave)



Low blood pressure

Colds & Flu

Skin conditions

Sore gums


Belching & flatulance

Runny/ stuffy nose

Mosquito repellant


Herpes Zoster


boosts milk production in women

Eye infection

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