Zehneria scabra
English: Cope Zehneria, Kikuyu: Rwegethia/ Kahurura, Kuria: Irirandora,
Family: Cucurbitaceae
It is used for the treatment of Skin disease, gonorrhea, and syphilis: the leaves are boiled and taken orally, a glass interval after every meal.
For nerve problems, it's mainly used for numbness. The whole plant is boiled in water and taken three glasses a day for 7 days. Do not use the fruit because it induces dizziness.
For skin rashes, a handful of the plant is boiled in 2 liters of water until 1 liter is left. It turns red. It is then taken, ½ a glass before and after meals for 3 days.
For nerve problems, it's mainly used for numbness. The whole plant is boiled in water and taken three glasses a day for 7 days. Do not use the fruit because it induces dizziness.
For skin rashes, a handful of the plant is boiled in 2 liters of water until 1 liter is left. It turns red. It is then taken, ½ a glass before and after meals for 3 days.
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